Recently I’ve seen alot of news on how the wii “injures” people and at first I was going to ignore it but, Instead of going away its just grown into the flavor of the month of Media trying to scare people. Reading this article is pretty hilarious on its own because of how badly its sourced and the numbers they are coming out with. anyways on to the goods.
The article starts in huge letters
Wii puts 10 in hospital a week
Wow…. so they bait you with that. what the hell is the Wii doing beating people down who play Xbox? Its very interesting how an inanimate object is “putting” people into the hospital.
The growing toll has prompted NHS doctors to warn of the dangers. Wii-itis sufferers usually have excruciating pain in the right shoulder or knee.
The Toll? WII IS ON A RAMPAGE!!!! LOOK OUT ITS GOING TO CAP YOUR ASS! no, seriously this bugs me because usaully the people ending up hurt by the wii are either playing like jackasses or have no concept of moderation. They fail to state the conditions leading up to whatever caused the injuries, in most cases the Game system did not cause the injury the person caused the injury themselves by not following instructions, reading further…
A rheumatology consultant said: Most are admitted after playing the tennis and running games which involve sudden movements and violent tendon stretching. Dr Dev Mukerjee, of Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, said: There has been a 100 per cent increase in patients complaining of Wii-itis.
I don’t know about this it sounds like a load of bullshit to me, Tennis maybe , Running ? What the hell? Even with wii fit it tells you not to slam down on the board, so again this comes back to the person playing the game. I’ve seen some people who play the Wii and use crazy amounts of force or movements while playing, When you play the wii you dont have to swing the controller like your hacking an axe through a tree, using fairly slow movements can actually acheive the same results as swinging like a madman.
Thinking about it further something about this article stinks badly enough to think a landfill with used diapers is nearby and someone is just trying to get there 15 minutes of fame, my logic is the numbers dont play out. Think about this for a moment, This asshats are just playing with numbers to make them look alot worse than they are.
10 People a week get “injured”, in 52 weeks that means only 520 people get injured in a years time. Given the population of the world. Your chances of getting “injured” by the Wii beating your ass in any given day is 0.0000077%, There something seriously wrong with this. This doctor is Should not even be considered remotely useful. if you really think about this
the odds of you getting injured by your Wii is
1 in 12,884,615ish
Lets look at the odds of things than your Wii Injuring you and see how retarded this article is for all its worth.
- becoming president: 1 in 10,000,000
- dying from parts falling off an airplane: 1 in 10,000,000
- dying from contact with hot tap water: 1 in 5,005,564
- dying from food poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
- winning the lottery (single state): 1 in 18 million
- being struck by lightning: 1 in 2,650,000
- killed in an airplane accident: 355,318 to 1
- asteroid colliding with Earth in the next 100 years: 5,500 to 1
- becoming an astronaut: 12,100,000 to 1
- drowning in the bathtub: 693,000 to 1
- dying due to a shark attack: 300,000,000 to 1
The news networks and various blogs are Picking up the story and focusing on the injury end, where the statistics speak for themselves. its all Silly medias fascination and irresponsibility with scaring people with stuff that is next to impossible to happening and the fact they blame the machine rather than the person is just poor writing on there behalf. From the articles i’ve found theres no stated sources, no actual facts, No history, and no clues to the actual cause of this.