Gamestop is really pissing me off lately. It seems that gamestop is actually not run by humans. Seriously.
I went into gamestop about a week ago and I ended up getting aggravated to the point of asking if they have secret binary rituals to which this went right over the workers head.
on July 3rd I went into gamestop figuring I’d try out dragon age, the price was right. so I went down and and attempted to pick it up, boy did that turn out to be a lesson in how not to do customer service. Now if you do a quick scan of the price of Dragon age you will see that its 37.98 or so, When I went to game stop it was 39.99 or so i thought.
When I am on the gamestop site and I look for a game I’ve always used a simple method. Search it and find my system. So looking up Dragon age at first look you see.
You’d think “oh cool its $40 . Not so fast there.
I went down the gamestop picked the game up and brought it to the desk. Figuring I had the edge card it would run me about $36 Dollars or so . Again not so fast. the Borg at the register goes “41.23 “. Me not thinking started to hand my card over and it struck me . I Said 41.23? with the edge card that doesn’t sound right. Than it came.. Well what the computer says is what the price is we have no control over that and if you have found a price otherwise I can compare it. I open My phone and show him the listing for dragon age and apparently I must be tuned into the incorrect universe because the guy goes , well you see we don’t use the prices from the gamestop site, that’s a different company. At this point i Just wanted to get away from this great example of a Android, I ask him if that’s even legal at the point of that question he answers a condescending tone, I just work here I don’t set the prices the computer does. What the hell. is gamestop short for judgement day, every time you ask a question you are refered to the computer.
I pay the higher price for the purchase and my friend goes “hey lets stop across the street” . The Gamestop across the street tends to be more caring in its customers rather than treat them like biological anomalies that need digital input. I must of looked pissed because the person working asked if I needed help with something. I explained everything above and he took his time and gave me the price difference without speaking of the grand and mighty computer. So I went home and decided to see what was going on. I Searched the game and it was only when i clicked game to the second page of the game itself.
It floored me. the website was right in one respect but totally misleading in another. “online only” 2nd page in , How deceptive. This is reminding me of movie stop with there pricematching pre-orders , How ever the hell you do that. I am sure a lot of people may go to gamestop and go “oh ill buy it anyways.” but…… there’s an issue, That first page. Advertises the fact of “this used product is …” and not the First more important issue. “Online price only” In order to be non-deceptive . ONLINE ONLY should be followed though EACH and EVERY page. You can’t just put a price out and slap on the last page “Online only” .
Also is the fact of How can you have an “Online Only price” when the product has been not Available the whole time. On No place in the page does it list the “store price’ nor does it tell you the store price may cost more money, Even walmarts site tells you
Walmart Stores
Pick Up in Your Store
Prices in Store May Vary
That’s all you need. A simple disclaimer “Prices in store may vary”
having the store slave tell you that his computer will not take my insolence for thinking I was getting some sort of deal. Gamestopus of Borg Does not want you to pay that price.
I’ve taken some time to cool off before writing about this because of 3 to 4 incidents with the same gamestop can really make the chances of sanity go away.