Lineage 2 -The Chaotic WTF Chronicle. over the last week the C5 PTS opened with a bang.. more like a thud. Where a Russian hacker brought down the server by hacking into the game and giving himself every subclass + who knows what. After that the server went down for 12+ hours and No one knew much other than the servers had been hacked. 2 days later the servers go down for another 10 hours NC soft locked forum access and Claims it had a problem with the forum
WHen the forum went down and you tried to log in the forum told you “you cannot post here because you may have an inactive account or are banned.”
so Watching the forums for hours for any sign of life wondering if i had been baned till another used MSN’d me with the same error msg.
My problems are for one NCsoft is staying very quiet about this and pushing everything under the rug as fast as they can. 2 they changed everyones passwords.
It leaves everyone uneasy, the thought Of someone may have our information . so Whatevers going on NC NEEDS TO keep the users in the loop