You’ve probably not seen much if any spam on this site. but i have.
I was getting upwards of 30 to 40 Comment spam a day for all kinds of stuff.
so from this day on. I will just ban anyone who spams random spam.
Sit down and have some coffee and BS about BS.
Changed the style sheet around to better colors. added some tagging nothing big. but meh its a good change.
with the new year that makes this site 1 year and 1 month old.
man. ppl will spam anywhere they can.
with christmas 2 days away and Me forgeting to update the site i figured now is a good time to start. hopefully everyone has a good christmas/newyear.
So I got sick of the old look. I did a bit of cleaning up, adding new stuff.. removing some older stuff.
I should update this site more. but i just have been using alot of the background stuff on this site. normally, before i had this site. I’d Upload to my Isp’s Free webspace and use that. but the thing is .. You can just chew through bandwidth and have that dissapear.
For now I think im happy with this look.
Also neat Little upgrade is the ability to see weather in my town in the bottem right. you may have to scroll down a bit
making site up date with wordpress 2.4 hopefuly stuff is more stable cuz images are lost now and than
Again files are dissapearing with no known cause
#Reloaded style sheet.
ADmin files Screwed up now.
Ok thats better temporary insanity over… maybe. who knows.
Dont know what the hell is going on but the site reverted back to defaults and certain files are missing.. Im guessing the server that hosts my site had crashed and reverted .. tis the only thing that makes sence. 🙁 So far what i notice Is Images gone. word press was messed up- it acted as if it were never installed so the only thing that comes to mind that the host Must of had problems. and restored from an older backup
Update2. reinstalled the front end – 2.0.1 wordpress.
update: well i backed up the whole site – and the databases. that wont help if this happens again and and i add something before that last backup.
files were lost but it seems like the site itself is intact*somewhat*.